“Get out of your head & get into your heart. Think less, feel more.”

— Osho

Seek the beauty & comfort in your environment.

Take time to be in nature.

Breathe a little deeper.

Sense your heart 💖 beating in your chest.

You are alive,

Having a human experience

& that is magnificent.

There is magic to be experienced in every moment, its power can be harnessed to slow down…

… & expand time. It can be felt by being present.

It’s where pleasure lives; this is what it means to be alive.


Pleasure-Filled Playlists

“Your mind is either your most powerful ally or your worst enemy. The choice is yours.”

Barbara Carrellas, Urban Tantra

Pleasure Seeking

… as a form of Activism

How do you experience pleasure? It can be found in movement, play, exploration and creativity. Pleasure is a that sensation can only be experienced being in the present moment. What did you do as a child? What gifts did you gain from boredom? These are clues that invite us back to pleasure. Doing more of these things, speaking lovingly & compassionately to ourselves is good for the nervous system & can help us live more pleasure-filled lives.  
There are oppressive systems and structures that prevent us from being able to access our fullest pleasure. Cultivating a pleasure practice, setting aside time to do more of what you like, can do all sorts of wonderful things to your biology. And prioritising pleasure is a form of activism - a tool to change the world! 

Pleasure seeking is about listening to our own needs and fulfilling these: doing things that are wholesome that don’t cause harm.

“There is no way to repress pleasure and expect liberation, satisfaction, or joy.”

Adrienne Maree Brown, Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good

Solo Dating

Dating yourself might sound unusual at first but it can lead to real transformation.

I get it, it’s vulnerable opening up to somebody new, even if that somebody is your Self. It can take time to get comfortable exploring the depths of ones Self. Consider how it would feel to not care about what other people thought, not listening to critic that lives in our heads. Are we really going to let this dictate how we live our life? The probability of any of us existing is something like 1 in 10 million - we are miracles. So why let our insecurities limit how we show up in this life?

What would you do if you had a guest coming to visit, a friend or a date? How would you spend your time to prepare? Would you do anything different? Make some food to share? Would you clean your space, put the laundry away? Lay the table? Light a candle? Put on something nice? Why not spend some like this on your Self? Solo-dating is about treating your Self like your own best friend. It’s not always easy but this helps to develop boundaries and get clear on desires, so take your time & be gentle with your Self.

Try showing yourself some of the special consideration you save for others. See how it is to enjoy the pleasure of your own company. Catch yourself in the mirror, flirt with your Self, get dressed up. Our world can change when we choose to put our Self first.

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