The experiences we have, the lives that we live, our memories and future dreams, can all be found stored in the body.
Bodywork allows us to lean in to our inner world and listen to the guidance, the whispers, that live inside us.
Image by Isabella Banks Photography
Somatic Coaching
Lomi Lomi Massage
Panchakarma (Ayurveda)
“Learn to read symptoms not only as problems to be overcome but as messages to be heeded.”
Gabor Maté
Rich, beautiful and natural states of bliss can be found when we pay attention to ourselves. Discomfort and tension offer us clues to find our way back home our Self, to pleasure.
Through the years I found myself struggling with my mental health, pushing through burnout after burnout until I eventually broke. My body and being began to malfunction. My chest was tight, I’d struggle to take a full inhale & eventually the whispers grew louder. They were calling me inwards, my body knew what I needed.
I started to give my bodymind the time & attention it required. I learned how to sit with myself in my own filth; bathing in a pool of shame & guilt, I showed my Self compassion. With time I grew curious about my own needs, tuning into aches & pains, reframing grumbles & gremlins as clues that helped me explore new depths of my Self. I showed my Self gratitude as the past stored in me began to reveal itself. My body was now able to let go of the heaviness it had held on to, carrying what I wasn’t able to acknowledge. We often hide parts of our Self in order to survive. I was re(dis)covering my Self.
Re(dis)covery is what allowed me to go from dysregulated to reclaiming my life. It is a privilege to now be able to support others tend to the relationship they have with Self, to be able to access more pleasure in their everyday lives.
Bodywork can be a ritual; Light a candle, massage your body and you might find yourself time traveling through your past. Breathe to release tension, creating space to be with any feelings & sensations that come up. You can create your own practice to show your Self love as a preventative, for maintenance. Bringing awareness to the body helps us know what feels right and recognise early when something feels off. Making time to be with our Self is the only way to know what we truly want, need & desire.
Navigating this transformational work, It is important that you feel a sense of safety. I use a trauma-informed approach - this work is led by you. I am walking alongside you at your pace, as you journey bank home to love.
I am passionate about this work, bringing people back to a state of pleasure found in homeostasis. I have supported women, LGBTQIA+ community, gender non-conforming people, BIPOC, survivors, disabled & people experiencing body dysmorphia & gender dysphoria.
Are you ready for more pleasure?
“Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going on inside ourselves.”
Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Scare