
I first connected with +256 Youth Platform in 2016 and have remained in contact with the community to support remotely.

What makes +256 Youth Platform stand out is design and run by young people, for young people. Member meet and look for innovative ways to problem solve at a local level.

Through sports, music, rap, dance and study, people gather together building confidence and get involved with activism and community outreach.

Young people plan organise and implement events in local communities educating on health, harm reduction and menstruation. Members, both men and women even teach people how to make reusable pads.

A group of young women from +256 Youth Platform are seeking out different narrative for their lives. They don’t want to be dependent on hand outs, they are empowered entrepreneurs. They believe in an abundant future, one that doesn’t limit them to being a wife or mother.

For many in Uganda, money to pay school fees can be difficult to find due to high unemployment rate. Access to education is limited if you are born a girl. Society discourages women and girls from accessing education, encouraging them to stay home to take care of the family, cook and clean and prepare to be somebodies wife.

The young women at +256 Youth Platform know they are capable of so much more. Instead they have organised their own vocational training and put their skills to use to raise funds for their own education. Along the way they have committed to supporting others including teenage mothers and disabled people of all genders.

Your donation helps this community to grow.